Jacopo Conti, musicologue et musicien, est docteur en musicologie et enseigne à l’université de Turin ainsi qu’au Conservatoire de Cuneo, tout en enseignant dans la secondaire è Turin. Ses champs de recherche sont l’analyse musicale, la sémiotique de la musique et les hybridations de la musique savante et de la popular music au XXe siècle (sujet de sa thèse). Il a traduit en italien Everyday Tonality (2009) et Music’s Meanings (2013) de Philip Tagg. Il était membre du bureau international et est du bureau italien de l’IASPM.
Jacopo Conti, musicologist and musician, is adjunct professor of popular music at that same University and popular music history at the Conservatory of Cuneo. He earned his doctoral degree in 2013 with Franco Fabbri at the University of Torino. Main focuses of his research are semiotics of music, music analysis and music history, particularly in the XX Century. He translated into Italian Philip Tagg’s books Everyday Tonality (Il Saggiatore, 2011) and Music’s Meanings (Il Saggiatore, 2019). He has been membership secretary of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) from 2015 to 2019 and is Treasurer of its Italian branch since 2017.